Assessing Children’s Learning
Having devised a rigorous and well-sequenced curriculum, it is important that we evaluate its impact by considering how well children are learning and remembering the knowledge and skills that are taught.
Assessment is therefore an important aspect of teaching and learning, as it enables us to:
The government has asked schools to develop their own systems to assess the learning of children against national expectations.
Our assessment activities take many forms and adults will often be assessing children’s learning without them even realising! Such activities may involve teacher observations, careful questioning and marking of children’s work. This type of continuous assessment is known as ‘formative’ assessment and is used to guide and inform future teaching so that any gaps and misconceptions are addressed and pupils’ learning is moved on appropriately.
At regular points throughout the year, more formal assessments take place within the core subjects: English, maths and science. These assessments, together with the teachers’ own knowledge of the children’s learning, help us to determine your child’s attainment in relation to the expectations for their age group. Teachers mark against statements for your child saying if they are ‘working towards’, ‘working at’ or ‘working at greater depth’. This type of assessment is called ‘summative’ assessment. It helps us to monitor your child’s progress and consider any additional support or intervention that may be required to enable your child to fulfil his/her academic potential.
Bourton Meadow Academy uses a platform called 'Insight' to help us record, analyse and report where children are in their learning.
Reporting to Parents
The data we collect on Insight for English, maths and science enables us to tell parents how their child is doing in their learning in relation to the expectations for their age group and what they need to learn next in order to make progress.
We share this information with parents each term through parent consultation evenings and/or an end of term report.
However, you can talk to your child's teacher at any time if you have questions about your child's learning.
Contact Bourton Meadow Academy
Bourton Meadow Academy
Burleigh Piece
Buckingham, MK18 7HX
Tel: 01280 823374
Contact Campfire Education Trust
Campfire Education Trust
Maslin Drive, Beanhill
Milton Keynes, MK6 4ND
Tel: 01908 671803
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