The Governors of our school are a dedicated, committed and enthusiastic group of people that seek to ensure that we are providing the best standards of care, teaching and learning opportunities for all children at Bourton Meadow. The Governors of Bourton Meadow have a strong skill-set and work proactively and co-operatively with the Headteacher and staff to improve the outcomes for all children at the school.
Governors have a strategic overview of the whole school that encompasses finance, the curriculum, building and site, and health and safety.
Governors perform a crucial role in ensuring that the school is financially buoyant, that public money is being spent to advantage all children and that the school adheres to local and national requirements.
In terms of their curriculum role, Governors review school data and ask questions about outcomes and value for money. They ensure that the school provides a broad and balanced curriculum and that there are enrichment opportunities for children. They work with senior leaders to monitor standards across the curriculum and conduct visits with subject leaders.
Governors ensure that health and safety standards are fully met through the checking of reports, visits to the site and discussion with staff. Governors have an overview of safeguarding and conduct an annual audit as well as spot checks to ensure procedures are robust.
If you need to make contact in line with a policy or a procedure, or about a matter in relation to governance at Bourton Meadow Academy, then please send this to the school's governance professional, Hannah Ward, who can be contacted by email: or in writing at the school address.
I am in my second year as a governor and my first as Chairman. Although I am mostly retired now, my background is in education and I have been a Headteacher and an adviser to schools. I wanted to be a governor as I believe it is a very important role - also, my two grandchildren both attend Bourton Meadow and so I want the best for them and Bourton Meadow. In my spare time, I play tennis, go walking and hiking, sing in choirs - as well as winding up my grandchildren!
Bourton Meadow has been part of my life since I trained to be a teacher at the school 21 years ago. I taught across all key stages and year groups at BMA before becoming Assistant and then Deputy Headteacher. I took up the role as Headteacher at George Grenville Academy in 2013 before returning to Bourton Meadow in 2017. I believe that working together with all stakeholders and developing strong relationships enhances opportunities for our children and I am always eager to work alongside governors and parents. My daughter has attended Bourton Meadow since nursery and I wouldn’t have her anywhere else!
As the newly appointed Staff Governor, I bring a wealth of experience and dedication to my role at Bourton Meadow. Over my tenure at BMA, I have undertaken numerous roles across every Key Stage, from Reception to Year 6. This extensive experience has provided me with a deep understanding of the school’s inner workings and the unique needs of our students at various stages of their educational journey.
Throughout my time at BMA, I have successfully led year groups, Key Stages, subjects, and the pupil council. Currently, I serve as the Assistant Head and Assessment Lead. I am passionately committed to teaching and continuously seek opportunities for professional development to enhance my effectiveness as an educator. My educational philosophy centres on building positive relationships with students and parents, firmly rooted in our core values.
I am enthusiastic about the opportunity to contribute to the governance of our school. With my experience, dedication to our values, and passion for education, I am committed to supporting the school's mission and vision, ensuring that we provide the best possible educational experience for our students. Outside of school, I am a proud dad to three girls, an avid follower of football, particularly Manchester United, and I enjoy keeping relatively fit at the gym!
I am a Community Governor, chair the Resources Committee and am the Governor lead on Pupil Premium. I’ve worked in Financial Services for over 25 years across banking, investment management and financial advice – mainly from a products & marketing perspective. My son was a BMA pupil several years ago, so it’s great to be able to contribute to the school in some small way. Outside of work I’m a bad golfer and a great Liverpool FC fan!
I wanted to be a Parent Governor at Bourton Meadow as I felt it was a positive way of contributing to the school. I have 2 children at Bourton Meadow and felt it was important to help create a successful place for my children to learn. I have over a decades experience as a solicitor and have spent many years practising law in the Education sector.
I have just become a governor but have had links with Bourton Meadow for many years: first as a parent (both of my boys attended the school), as a parent volunteer, as a teacher until my retirement in July 2023 and now as a grandparent. I joined the Governing Body as I wanted to continue to contribute to the running of the school. In my spare time, I enjoy crafting, gardening and volunteering with various groups.
I am currently in my second year supporting Bourton meadow as a school governor where I currently cover the roles of SEN Governor and Health and Safety Governor. If I am not busy spending time with my wife, and my two children who currently attend Bourton meadow, I am working full time as a Head of HSE for a national construction company. In my spare time I enjoy exercising, spending time with my family and exploring the local countryside.
I am a teacher of Philosophy and Religion at the Royal Latin School and the proud mother of my daughter, who is in Year 3. I enjoy engaging in various sport activities, including swimming, badminton and going to the gym, when time permits. I also enjoy dining out with friends and family and spending quality time with my daughter, exploring and having fun together. Prior to becoming a teacher, I was a Baptist minister and now a regular preacher in local churches. I have been a governor in other schools, as I have a passion for making education a place where children can become the best version of themselves and reach their full potential.
I am a newly appointed parent governor. I have been a teacher since 2009 teaching in both mainstream and special needs schools. I wanted to be a governor as I believe passionately in education and want the best for my two children as they progress through the school as well as Bourton Meadow. In my spare time, I enjoy teaching my children to horse ride, walking and pilates!
My name is Joana. I have a child in Year 2 and another starting in Bourton Meadow Nursery this year. I like to be involved in my children's education as much as possible since they are going to spend so much time in this environment. I truly believe both educators and parents should work closely together, not only to help shape the next generation but also to provide them with the tools necessary for the best learning outcome, both academically and in life. By being part of the governing body I aim to assist the school in delivering the standards of education that children require to be successful in the future.
Contact Bourton Meadow Academy
Bourton Meadow Academy
Burleigh Piece
Buckingham, MK18 7HX
Tel: 01280 823374
Contact Campfire Education Trust
Campfire Education Trust
Maslin Drive, Beanhill
Milton Keynes, MK6 4ND
Tel: 01908 671803
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