Extra Curricular Clubs

Bourton Meadow Academy


At Bourton Meadow, we believe in offering a wide variety of extra-curricular clubs for your child to take part in. There is something to suit everyone, whether they want to develop an existing skill or try something new. The clubs cater for children of all abilities and, typically, take place from 3:30pm – 4:30pm. 

Here are the clubs currently on offer this half term:

Clubs Spring Term 2024

Clubs run for half a term at a time and the list of clubs is regularly updated. This ensures that as many children as possible have access to the very popular clubs, which continue all year. It also provides us with the flexibility to offer different clubs, taking into account seasonal changes in weather and the wide range of interests of our children. 

Parents will be notified of upcoming clubs via Parentmail and once the bookings go ‘live’, you can book a place on one of the clubs via the ‘payment’ section of your PMX Parentmail account

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