Behaviour and Culture

Bourton Meadow Academy

Our Culture

Our school vision is to nurture every child to fulfil their whole potential. We believe positive relationships between all members of our school community are key and these relationships are based on mutual trust and respect. We work hard to ensure that children and adults feel safe, happy and valued.

Our Behaviour

Children behave well in school, demonstrating respectful behaviour to each other, the school environment and positive attitudes to their learning. We have six clear behaviour expectations which closely align with our six values. These are clearly displayed around the school and regularly discussed with the children.

Children’s good behaviour is acknowledged and rewarded through a variety of age-

appropriate ways including stickers, house points, positive conversations with parents and the award of Happygrams in our celebration assemblies. Children also work collectively to earn purple tokens which lead to a bronze, silver or gold class reward, depending on the number of tokens earned.

We understand that children are still learning and developing the skills to regulate their own emotions and behaviours and that, sometimes, they make poor choices.

When this happens, we help children to reflect on the choices they made and their impact and we work with them to identify what they could do differently next time.

These restorative conversations ensure children are given the opportunity to reflect

on their behaviours and repair relationships with others so that they can move

forward positively, rebuilding their self-esteem.

"Pupils’ behaviour is impeccable. On the playground, pupils cooperate harmoniously. They know the school’s rules and routines well. Pupils line up, take turns and listen respectfully." (Ofsted, Report, December 2024)

Bullying and Discrimination

The school does not tolerate bullying or discrimination of any kind. If we discover that an act of bullying, intimidation or discrimination has taken place, we act immediately to stop any further occurrences of such behaviour. We do everything in our power to ensure that all children attend school free from fear.

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