We explicitly teach safeguarding and wellbeing through our planned curriculum, as well as addressing relevant issues that arise, through our flexible programme of assemblies and Personal, Social, Health and Relationship Education (PSHRE).
It is important that children know how to safeguard themselves, and know how to report concerns if they – or their peers – feel unsafe.
Here are just some of the things we teach children, so that they can begin to take responsibility for their own safety and wellbeing.
Our values-based curriculum also ensures that children can make good decisions about their own behaviour, helping to create a safe, caring and inclusive environment in school.
Contact Bourton Meadow Academy
Bourton Meadow Academy
Burleigh Piece
Buckingham, MK18 7HX
Tel: 01280 823374
Email: office@bourtonmeadow.co.uk
Contact Campfire Education Trust
Campfire Education Trust
Maslin Drive, Beanhill
Milton Keynes, MK6 4ND
Tel: 01908 671803
Email: enquiries@campfiretrust.co.uk
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