Early Years

At Bourton Meadow we nurture every child to fulfil their whole potential.

At Bourton Meadow Academy, our early years foundation stage (EYFS) Curriculum is designed to promote and encourage all children to be confident, inquisitive, independent and happy learners. It is an ambitious curriculum carefully sequenced in order to scaffold the children’s learning ensuring that they build on prior knowledge and are equipped with the necessary knowledge, skills, attitudes and VALUES to be successful in Year One. This is done through positive and nurturing relationships where each child is recognised as a unique individual who is skillfully taught and guided to fulfil their whole potential. We know that children learn best when they feel safe, happy and secure and it is our intention to welcome, nurture and value each child in our school.

Effective teaching through a mix of different approaches and a welcoming, well-planned learning environment supports our children’s growth and development.  Our curriculum is delivered through planned opportunities for the children to experience a wide range of stimuli both indoor and outdoor, where play is encouraged, celebrated and built upon.

Key skills and knowledge are taught in classes or in small groups via:
Guided learning
Direct teaching
Adults modelling
Observing and providing high quality interaction.

Staff are extremely knowledgeable about the seven areas of learning which are:
- communication and language.
- physical development.
- personal, social and emotional development.
- literacy.
- mathematics.
- understanding the world.
- expressive arts and design.

They are experts in teaching systematic synthetic phonics and ensure that reading books match children’s phonic knowledge.
Our planning ensures that all seven areas of learning are thoroughly developed. Learning is introduced within a familiar context so that it is meaningful for the children. We ask ourselves why are we doing this now? What do we want the children to learn from it? How will we help them to remember it?  Staff present information clearly to children, promoting appropriate discussion about the subject matter being taught. They communicate well to check children’s understanding, identify misconceptions and provide clear explanations to improve their learning. Staff regularly read to children in a way that excites and engages them, introducing new ideas, concepts and vocabulary.
Our collaboration with parents lies at the heart of everything we do. We recognise parents as their child’s first teachers and as our partners in ensuring that every child feels known, understood and celebrated. In this way children thrive, as parents and carers become part of our teaching team when helping their children at home.

Through our thoughtfully designed curriculum, enabling environment and highly skilled staff, children become deeply involved learners. They concentrate and persist even when challenges present themselves. They are motivated, fascinated and gain a great deal of depth in their learning through high quality play and robust adult interactions. Our children enter Year One as effective communicators with high self-esteem. Their well-developed imagination and curiosity makes them want to know more and learn more. Children succeed in Key Stage One as they are highly literate and numerate and have well-developed personal, social and emotional skills which promote the six school values. Children in our early years leave for Year One wonderfully prepared and excited about what comes next.

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