Religious Education

At Bourton Meadow we nurture every child to fulfil their whole potential.

Bourton Meadow provides an ambitious curriculum for religious education (RE) which helps children to understand our world and the people around us. Children are taught about Christianity and the key beliefs, practices and influences in the life of a Christian, as well as other principal religions including Islam, Judaism and Hinduism.

The curriculum, which is based on the Agreed Syllabus for Bucks, also provides rich opportunities for children to develop and explore their own ideas, values and identities, understanding and respecting the similarities and differences between their own beliefs and those of others. 

The curriculum is underpinned by three strands:

Knowing it – When we can recall and draw upon key beliefs, teachings and stories.

Exploring it – When we learn more about religious beliefs and how they influence people's daily lives.

Linking it – When we are able to compare religions, make connections between them and form our own personal beliefs.

Parents have the right to withdraw their children from all or part of the Religious Education (RE) curriculum.

If you would like to withdraw your child from RE lessons, please inform Mrs Berry, via the school office.

Here are the end goals of our Religious Education Curriculum
Because I went to Bourton Meadow Academy: 

I can recognise key faiths: their symbols, deities, places of worship, religious texts, and celebrations, including the stories and symbolism behind them

I understand how beliefs shape the way believers see the world and each other

I can explore my own beliefs, consider how I belong in my local community and talk confidently about these beliefs without fear of judgement

I understand and respect similarities and differences in key faiths, showing a desire to promote and celebrate diversity

I understand why individuals make a choice to follow a religion and how this might impact their daily life and I respect individuals who choose not to follow a religion.

I am aware of historical difficulties faced by people of faith

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