Design Technology

At Bourton Meadow we nurture every child to fulfil their whole potential.

Design technology (DT) is a practical subject. Children learn to manage and control risks and work safely, using a range of materials and tools. Children are taught technical knowledge and skills which are built on and refined as they move through the school. However, the DT curriculum also encourages children to utilise and apply their knowledge from other areas of the curriculum such as mathematics, science, computing and art.

Learning blocks in DT are clearly structured around the design process:

Through the completion of a wide range of projects, children are encouraged to become skilled, resourceful and innovative citizens. They are taught technical vocabulary, enabling them to communicate their design ideas and analyse and evaluate designs with increasing accuracy and confidence.

Children will also develop the life skills and knowledge associated with healthy living, food nutrition and cookery, making use of our children’s kitchen. Extra-curricular activities such as cookery club and the annual Bourton Meadow Cookery Competition provide further opportunities for children to develop these skills.

Here are the end goals for our Design Technology curriculum

Because I went to Bourton Meadow Academy:

I investigate and evaluate existing products and use research and develop design criteria to create a design fit for purpose
I can generate, develop, model and communicate my ideas through sketches, diagrams and prototypes
I can select and use a wide range of equipment and tools to confidently perform practical tasks such as cutting, joining, shaping and finishing
I confidently use the process of design, evaluate, review and improve
To have knowledge of key events and individuals who have shaped the world
I understand nutrition, where food comes from and know how to cook

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