At Bourton Meadow Academy, we recognise the importance of maths as a fundamental area of the curriculum. Maths gives children the opportunity to investigate, reason and solve problems and also gives them the tools to use across other areas of the curriculum.
We use the White Rose Maths scheme of work as a basis for our maths planning, which supports a mastery approach to the teaching of maths. This is enhanced with other high-quality resources, such as those from the NCETM (National Centre of Excellence for the Teaching of Mathematics).
The White Rose scheme ensures children learn and remember more by breaking skills down into small steps, enabling them to secure foundational knowledge before moving onto more complex ideas. Key aspects are regularly revisited, enabling children to secure and deepen their understanding and retain key knowledge. Within each unit of work there will be coverage of a range of reasoning, problem solving and fluency activities.
Concrete - Pictorial - Abstract
The White Rose Maths scheme supports a concrete-pictorial – abstract (CPA) approach to enable children to build competency. This approach builds on children’s existing knowledge by introducing abstract concepts in a concrete and tangible way. It involves moving from concrete materials (e.g. cubes) to pictorial representations (e.g. pictures/diagrams) to abstract symbols and problems. The use of concrete resources allows children to see the structures behind the mathematical concepts to allow them to have a deeper understanding of the why. Children will also be exposed to a variety of representations to ensure they have fully embedded the concept before moving on to more abstract approaches and challenges.
We endeavour to ensure that the maths curriculum we provide inspires children to be excited about maths, solve problems with a 'have a go' attitude and develop good fluency within their work enabling them to apply their mathematical learning with confidence.
Useful websites for parents - maths resources, games and activities
Third space learning
Because I went to Bourton Meadow Academy:
- I am a confident, skilled, resilient and fluent mathematician who can mentally calculate efficiently and effectively.
- I have a knowledge of a broad range of mathematical concepts including, time, shape, space and measure, fractions, addition and subtraction, and multiplication and division.
- I can make links and connections between concepts
- I have the flexibility and fluidity to move between different contexts and representations in Maths.
- I can persist in solving problems and can reason about a range of mathematical concepts.
- I understand that maths is a fundamental part of everyday life and I can apply my
mathematical knowledge to support me in the outside world.
Contact Bourton Meadow Academy
Bourton Meadow Academy
Burleigh Piece
Buckingham, MK18 7HX
Tel: 01280 823374
Contact Campfire Education Trust
Campfire Education Trust
Maslin Drive, Beanhill
Milton Keynes, MK6 4ND
Tel: 01908 671803
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