
At Bourton Meadow we nurture every child to fulfil their whole potential.

History is like a magical time machine that takes us on a journey to the past. Just like how you have a family tree that tells you about your ancestors, history is like the big family tree of the whole world! It's filled with exciting adventures, brave heroes, and incredible inventions. By learning about history, we can understand how the world has changed over time and discover how our own lives are connected to the people who came before us. So, history is like a fascinating storybook that teaches us about the past and helps us understand the present.

At Bourton Meadow Academy, our history curriculum aims to engage and inspire our children to develop a passion for history.

This is achieved through exploring different time periods, events, and significant individuals that link to our children’s interests and, where possible, link to our local area.

We aim to develop inquisitive and confident individuals, with a coherent understanding of key historical moments in British and world history.

It is through the progressive development of historical concepts and vocabulary, memory-maker experiences, such as theme days, educational visits, workshops, and visiting speakers that our children develop a love for history and the confidence to understand how key events have shaped the world in which we live today.

Here are the end goals for our History curriculum

Because I went to Bourton Meadow Academy:

I am curious about the past.

I have knowledge of local, national and international historical events and explain why they occurred.

I can make links between historical events in the past.

I understand that there are different ways in which the past can be interpreted.

I understand how we can learn from the past to help us prepare for the future.

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