All pupils, including children within our nursery, benefit from high-quality teaching from our specialist PE team. Children in Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 enjoy two hours of physical education (PE) each week. The PE curriculum is organised around eight key strands and lessons are carefully sequenced so that children learn, develop and apply skills in each area, as they move through the school:
Outdoor Adventure Activities
Health and Fitness
PE and Games lessons are inclusive: subtle adaptations ensure children of all abilities are supported and challenged appropriately so that they can access learning, achieve success and fulfil their sporting potential. There is a strong emphasis on enjoyment, meaning children look forward to these lessons and are therefore more likely to engage in physical activities outside of school, both now and in the future. The PE curriculum is also designed to foster fitness and health habits that will last a lifetime.
In addition to core PE lessons, we also offer a wide range of extra-curricular clubs so that children can practise and develop the skills they learn in lessons and experience an even wider range of sporting activities.
Pupils are also given regular opportunities to take part in both competitive and non-competitive sporting events, representing their school and, most importantly, having fun! These experiences enrich the children’s learning by teaching them important life skills, such as winning and losing gracefully as well as embedding the school’s values within a broader context.
Because I went to Bourton Meadow Academy:
I am empowered with a positive impression of sport, regardless of ability
I have developed a range of transferable skills and knowledge - both practical and theoretical
I know how participation in sports promotes life-long health, fitness and well-being
I have been exposed to sporting opportunities that naturally develop our school and sporting values
I am able to:
Develop my own personal characteristics like initiative, self-reliance and self-discipline
Formulate constructive questions to explore health and fitness
Know how my body is affected by physical activity
Engage in multiple areas of physical activity and enjoy being active showing what I can do
Identify what skills I am able to perform with competency and what I require to improve
Develop areas of activity of my choice in extra-curricular time
Use a chronology to order my Physical development
Use and understand appropriate vocabulary of sporting terms
Present my understanding of Physical Education in a meaningful form
Develop a positive sporting attitude and positive attitude to participation
Participate in sporting teams in order to compete in a sporting context
Learn new skills and apply them to performance
Develop an awareness of simple physiological changes that occur to my body during exercise
Talk about significant wider sporting events as inspiration for future participation and achievement
Develop imagination and co-operation to achieve shared goals with my peers
Reach my whole potential in physical activity
Contact Bourton Meadow Academy
Bourton Meadow Academy
Burleigh Piece
Buckingham, MK18 7HX
Tel: 01280 823374
Contact Campfire Education Trust
Campfire Education Trust
Maslin Drive, Beanhill
Milton Keynes, MK6 4ND
Tel: 01908 671803
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